Earn money, culture, and experience!

Homestay is a digital short-term rental advertising company owned by zooFamily.The team specializes in working with travel inventory and technology. We will assist homeowners in promoting their properties on global booking platforms. It’s a project to host travelers worldwide and earn money, culture, and experience! Homestay is the perfect solution if you’re interested in renting out your home daily. Build your home like a premium accommodation stay and homestay will manage all the technical works to conduct daily rentals. Our partnership terms are on a 15% payout basis, where both parties enter the business by signup. We will advertise and manage your property at Airbnb, Agoda, Booking.com, Expedia, Vrbo, HostelWorld, Hotels.com, Priceline and others OTA. The hosts are here to welcome a guest with warm hospitality and have arranged accommodations! Guests will pay the host on either a short-term or long-term basis. This is how we intend to begin a business with home rental partners.

How does homestay work?

We are the agency that will help you make money from your home. All you need to do is allow us to conduct business through online booking platforms as advertising management partners. Once you give us permission, we’ll proceed with the business as per the agreement we sign. Here’s the information we need from the homeowner for the business sign-up:
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 20 files.
Provide at least 10 images or max of your home, including the bedroom, bathroom, and common areas.
Host travellers from around the world and earn money, culture, and experience! And we are here to make a exciting home rental partnership.

Our partnership payout terms will be adjusted to a 15% commission of the total payment. Host travelers worldwide and earn money, culture, and experience! We are here to care for partnerships, and platforms, manage, and promote businesses. We don’t charge any additional, hidden fees. Our objective is to collaborate for the most favorable outcome.